General Terms and Conditions for the Carnivore & Fitness Coaching Program offered by Patrick Meijer, CHHC

  1. Introduction

This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for your 3-month coaching program with Patrick Meijer, including both in-person (when applicable) and conference call consultations. The goal is to help you optimise your lifestyle, achieve your health and fitness goals, and reclaim your vitality.

2. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By signing up for a Carnivore & Fitness Coaching Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions in their entirety. Your participation in the program signifies your automatic acceptance of all terms outlined below, without the need for a physical signature. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you must not sign up for or participate in the program.

3. 100% Commitment

To achieve the best results, you commit to:

  • Following the personalized nutrition plan and fitness regimen provided.
  • Attending all scheduled in-person and conference call consultations.
  • Actively participating in regular check-ins and progress assessments.
  • Communicating openly and honestly about any challenges or concerns.
  • Maintaining motivation and dedication throughout the program duration.

4. Monthly Goals and Incentive

As part of your program, you will set and strive to achieve monthly goals, tailored to your specific health and fitness objectives:

  1. Goal Achievement Incentive: If you achieve your monthly goals, you are eligible to earn back half of the program cost. This partial refund will be provided at the end of the contract or can be applied toward a new program.
  2. Eligibility for Refund: To qualify for the refund incentive, you must achieve all of your monthly goals within the designated months and maintain those results through the end of the program.
  3. No Intermediate Refunds: Partial refunds will not be provided during the program. The total eligible refund will be calculated and provided at the end of the contract period.

5. Services Provided

During the selected coaching period, you will receive:

  • Initial Consultation/Discovery Call: A comprehensive assessment of your current health, fitness level, and goals.
  • Nutrition Plan: A carnivore diet plan to optimise your nutrition.
  • Fitness Coaching: Workout plans focusing on calisthenics and functional exercises through the use of the Freeletics app (not included in the coaching program). Using my referral link allows you to get 6 months free when you sign up for 6 months:
    • Personal Trainer Option: Alternatively, you may choose to work with your own personal trainer (not included in the program price). I will coordinate closely with them to ensure seamless collaboration and optimal results.
  • Regular Check-ins: In-person or conference call consultations to track progress, adjust plans, and provide ongoing support.
  • Continuous Support: Email and WhatsApp support for questions and motivation throughout the program.

6. Consultations

Revisit Form: Prior to each consultation, you will be required to fill out a Revisit Form at least 24 hours before our consultation. The form can be found at
Cancellation Policy: Consultation cancellations should be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled time.

7. Payment Terms

  • Payment: Payment is only accepted in Euro, USD (additional 2.5% conversion fee) and GBP (additional 2.5% conversion fee) for the selected program duration and must be made in full prior to the commencement of the program.
  • Payment Methods: The only accepted payment methods are bank transfer or cash.

8. Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • Client-Initiated Cancellation: No refunds will be given if the client decides to stop the program before the end of the contracted period.
  • Coach-Initiated Cancellation: If I decide to stop the program for any reason, a pro-rated refund will be provided based on the remaining duration of the program.

9. Liability Waiver

By signing this contract, you acknowledge that:

  • You understand the risks associated with changes in diet and physical activity.
  • You agree to consult with your healthcare provider before starting the program.
  • You release Patrick Meijer from any liability related to injuries or health issues arising from participation in the coaching program.

10. Client Responsibility

To ensure your success and the effectiveness of the program, you are responsible for the following:

  • Accuracy of Information: Providing complete and accurate health information, including any medical conditions or dietary restrictions.
  • Following Instructions: Adhering to the personalised nutrition and fitness plans provided.
  • Engagement: Actively engaging with the coaching process by following up with feedback, attending consultations, and implementing agreed strategies.
  • Disclosure of Fitness Levels: Being transparent about your fitness levels and any limitations at the start of the program.

11. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all personal health and fitness data shared the client and coach during the coaching program unless express permission is given to share this information for marketing, testimonials, or promotional purposes.

12. Photo and Testimonial Release

By participating in the program, you agree to share progress photos and at the end of the program a video testimonial that may be used for promotional purposes, provided that you give express consent. These may be used on my website, social media, and other marketing materials.

13. Force Majeur

Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this agreement if such failure is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, or governmental restrictions.

14. Modification of Terms

Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this agreement if such failure is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, or governmental restrictions.

15. Dispute Resolution

In the event of any dispute arising from or related to this agreement, both parties agree to first attempt mediation or arbitration before pursuing any legal action.

16. Agreement and Signature

By signing up for a Carnivore and Fitness Coaching program, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this contract and commit to the chosen coaching program duration. If you do not agree to these terms, you must refrain from signing up.