Goal-Setting Guide for Your 3-Month Carnivore & Fitness Coaching Program

Setting clear, measurable goals is crucial for staying motivated and tracking your progress throughout the program. These goals will also determine your eligibility for the cashback incentive. Below are examples of different goal types to consider. For each month, select three goals that align with your current fitness level and lifestyle, ensuring they present a real challenge. Each month, you’ll establish new goals, and by the end of the three-month program, you’ll have a total of nine goals to achieve.

And unfortunately losing (or gaining) weight is not a goal but rather a side effect from your lifestyle change.

  1. Fitness Performance Goals

Setting performance-based goals will help you measure improvements in your strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Examples include:

  • Increase Strength: Perform a certain number of push-ups, squats, or pull-ups by the end of each month. For example, increase from 10 to 30 push-ups. Or hold a plank for a longer duration (e.g., increase from 1 minute to 3 minutes)
  • Endurance Milestones: Complete a specific distance (e.g., 5K run) without stopping or set a target time for improvement.

2. Body Composition Goals

Tracking changes in your body’s composition is a great way to measure physical progress. You can use a biometric scale or tape measurements to monitor this. Examples include:

  • Body Fat Reduction: Reduce your body fat percentage by a specific amount (e.g., drop from 20% to 15%).
  • Increase Muscle Mass: Gain a certain amount of lean muscle (e.g., 5 pounds of muscle mass).
  • Centimeters Lost or Gained: Track centimeters lost around your waist, or gains in muscle size (e.g., increase bicep circumference by 3 centimeters).

3. Lifestyle and Habit Goals

Building better habits is crucial for long-term success. These goals focus on consistency and lifestyle improvements. Here are a few examples:

  • Consistent Workouts: Commit to completing a set number of workouts per week (e.g., a minimum of 4 workouts per week).
  • Daily Steps: Aim for a daily step goal, such as achieving 10,000 steps per day.
  • Sleep Goals: Maintain an average of 7+ hours of quality sleep per night, tracked via a sleep app.
  • Calorie Burn: Burn a minimum amount of calories per day.

4. Cardiovascular Health Goals

Improving cardiovascular health is a great way to boost your energy levels and overall well-being. You can track this with a fitness tracker or a blood pressure monitor. Here are a few examples:

  • Lower Resting Heart Rate: Aim to lower your resting heart rate by a certain number of beats per minute (e.g., reduce by 5 bpm).
  • Blood Pressure: Maintain or achieve a healthy blood pressure reading (e.g., 120/80 mmHg), tracked consistently throughout the program.

5. Dietary Goals

Nutrition is key to your transformation. Setting dietary goals ensures you’re staying on track with the carnivore lifestyle. Here are a few examples:

  • Track Macros Consistently: Keep a daily log of your macronutrients (protein, fats, and carbs), aiming for [X]% fat, [Y]% protein, and 0% carbs from non-animal sources.
  • Hydration: Drink a specified amount of water daily (e.g., 3 liters per day).
  • Protein Intake: Aim to consume a minimum of [X] grams of protein per day, focusing on high-quality animal sources like beef, lamb, or eggs.

6. Mobility/Recovery Goals

Taking care of your body through recovery and mobility work is just as important as training. You can set goals to ensure you’re paying attention to this area. Examples include:

  • Daily Mobility Routine: Commit to a structured mobility routine for a minimum of 20 minutes each day, focusing on improving range of motion in key areas like hips, shoulders, and hamstrings.
  • Yoga Practice: Incorporate a yin yoga routine at least 3 times per week for 30-45 minutes, aiming to improve flexibility and balance. Track improvements in flexibility through specific poses, such as holding a deeper forward fold or achieving a full bridge pose. See Down Dog Yoga App for fantastic yoga classes on your phone or tablet.
  • Advanced Flexibility Goal: Work toward achieving advanced flexibility milestones, such as performing a full split or significantly improving your range of motion in tight areas (e.g., increasing hamstring flexibility by touching your toes if currently unable, or going from a 90-degree bend to 60 degrees in a deep squat).

7. Setting Your Goals

For each of the three months, you’ll set three goals as suggested above. These goals should be:

  • Specific: Clear and well-defined (e.g., “Increase push-ups from 10 to 30” rather than “Get stronger”).
  • Measurable: Easily tracked (e.g., centimeters lost, body fat percentage reduced, etc.).
  • Achievable: Challenging yet realistic based on your current fitness level.
  • Relevant: Directly related to your overall health and fitness journey.
  • Time-bound: Set to be completed by the end of each month.

Example Monthly Goals

  • Month 1 Goals:
    • Increase push-ups from 10 to 20
    • Increase protein intake to X amount
    • Follow at least 3 yin yoga classes of minimum 30 minutes per week.
  • Month 2 Goals:
    • Drop 2% body fat
    • Complete a 5K run without stopping.
    • Drink minimum of 3L water per day.
  • Month 3 Goals:
    • Improve plank hold time from 1 minute to 3 minutes
    • Achieve an average of 7+ hours of sleep per night.
    • Burn minimum of 750 calories per day through being active (workouts, hike etc.)

The examples above are examples. You can pick and match examples or come up with your own 3 quantifiable goals each month.

8. How to Qualify for the Cashback Incentive

To qualify for the cashback incentive, you must:

  • Achieve each of your 3 monthly goals each month (i.e., If in Month 1 one of your goals is to drop 2% body fat, at the end of Month 3 you should still have 2% less body fat than when you set the goals initially).
  • Consistently track and report your progress.
  • Submit before and after photos, and regularly share updates on your performance and body composition.

At the end of the 90-day program, if you have successfully reached all three months’ goals (9 goals in total), you’ll be eligible for the full cashback incentive.

9. Next Steps

Take some time to reflect on your goals. Once you’ve set your goals for each of the three months, press the button below to fill them out so we can assess them together.

If you have any questions or need help setting the right goals, feel free to reach out.

Let’s crush these goals together!